Friday, February 24, 2012

This is one of the problems with the thyroid medicine.

Generally your osteoporosis, probably due to combinations of three imbalances or problems in your body. You should not have all these issues to the development of osteoporosis, but if you have all three, you have osteoporosis or are well on your way to its development. And they are very common. By the way, we are not including the long use of drugs such as steroids, which destroy bone density. It is another matter. You need to get from drugs or steroids to stop the loss of bone density. To understand how these problems lead to osteoporosis, you much first understand the process of getting calcium into bones. The bones of live tissue that should be constantly updated in two stages. First, cells called osteoclasts

should work to get rid of old weakened bones. They resorption old bones to make room for a healthy strong bones. If you have too many osteoclasts absorb your bone, your bone density will be death. Secondly, you should have

osteoblasts, immature bone cells to make a matrix composed of collagen, which then becomes mineralized. Think of them as vital to increase bone density. Bone mass is supported by the balance between the activity of osteoblasts that form bone and osteoclasts that break down. In osteoporosis resorption exceeds the rate of net rate of bone formation, leading to a decrease in bone mass. There is more than the activity of osteoclasts osteoblast activity so that your bone density decreases, and you will get osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Reason number 1 - low magnesium / high ratio of calcium and magnesium, calcium are the main minerals in your body. They are closely related because they need each other to work properly. If your diet was low magnesium all my life, because whenever there is the western diet, it will be an imbalance of magnesium and calcium in the body, which throws the strip. Calcitonin hormone that inhibits the production of osteoclasts (osteoclasts tell your body to break down bone - reduction of bone density) dependent on magnesium to function properly. When we lack magnesium, the activity of osteoclasts is too high and cause bone loss. When magnesium levels are adequate, they inhibit the calcitonin hormone that tells your body to pull calcium from bones. When magnesium levels are too low, you lose bone density and osteoporosis develops in the long run because more osteoclasts are produced, it should be. In fact, the western diet low in magnesium and high in calcium, so that Western countries have a high consumption of dairy products.foods to strengthen the immune system Mean calcium intake is 1000 mg. Calcium and magnesium relationships found in milk, yogurt and cheese are 7:1, 11:1, 26:1 and, respectively. There will be more on this below. How to tell if your magnesium level is low Most doctors do not understand the difference between serum levels of magnesium in the blood and erythrocyte magnesium level test. Magnesium levels in serum should be in a narrow range, and the heart stops. Therefore, serum should be maintained at a normal level by level within the cells. In other words, even if you are very low in magnesium, blood almost always check the fine, because your body is pulling magnesium from the cells in the blood to maintain normal serum magnesium level. Most laboratories only test for serum, and patients were told magnesium normally. So you have to measure intracellular magnesium levels to determine if you have low magnesium. The simplest cells to obtain the red blood cells, so ask your doctor check your levels of magnesium in red blood cell test. You can be sure your low, if you eat a typical Western diet is osteoporosis. You will have a lot of calcium in your diet (and amendments), and not enough magnesium. I say this is the main reason is that around the world, Asian and African populations with low consumption (300 mg) of calcium every day with a higher intake of magnesium is very little osteoporosis. Thus, low intake of magnesium with high intake of calcium, common to our western diet, most likely the main cause of osteoporosis in most people. But these two issues can all meet about 25% of the time to loss of bone density. Either of these issues speeds up bone loss. Osteoporosis Reason number 2 - female / male hormones lower This is a question that even doctors usually know. At least when it comes to estrogen. In women, bone osteoclasts or removal activity increases after menopause, because estrogen levels decrease. During the first 5 to 10 years after menopause, women may suffer up to 2% -4% loss of bone density in the year to 25% -30% of their bone density during this period. This is one of the main causes of hormone replacement therapy is given. Synthetic hormones, drugs should be dormant and not good for you. Recent research demonstrates an increased risk of breast cancer and other cancers using HRT. Bio-identical hormones are safer and more productive. Maybe the best way to increase your female hormone production to get your body to make more of their own. More on this later in this article. For men, this low level of testosterone that is a problem. Like estrogen, decreased lasix generic online testosterone causes increased activity of osteoclasts, which leads to bone loss. As testosterone decreases with age than the older one gets, the more likely it is to develop osteoporosis. There have been studies that show that low testosterone in women is also associated with a decrease in bone density. However, increasing the level of progesterone is usually all that is necessary to increase testosterone levels in women, as progesterone is converted to testosterone in women, as appropriate. Osteoporosis Reason number 3 - Low thyroid function of osteoclasts are activated by parathyroid hormone, which signals the osteoclast resorption of bone. You can refuse, but their activities. Calcitonin is a hormone that inhibits the activity of osteoclasts, so they do not absorb too many bones. Calcitonin consists mainly of your thyroid gland. Thus, low or poor thyroid function is not enough, calcitonin is produced, so osteoclasts does not prevent to the extent that they should be, resulting in too many of them too much bone resorption. By the way, you can read about how high doses of thyroid medicine cause bone loss. This is one of the problems with the thyroid medicine. It is doubtful if the drug actually cause. Rather, people at the highest drug with poor thyroid function. And as synthetic thyroid medications do not work well, synthetics of any kind may not function properly, reasonably conclude that the drug is unable to increase production of calcitonin. Systemic yeast Candida Overgrowth is how women (and men), hormonal imbalances and low thyroid function. If you have osteoporosis or if you want to prevent osteoporosis, you need to check if you have candida overgrowth. For a site that tells you about a free and easy test to see if you have candida overgrowth or not, go to:

If you find that you have candida overgrowth, and you also fight osteoporosis, you can start with the basic and the best fighter candidates, CandElim. What you'll read about on this site. Other major causes of osteoporosis - not so important there are other issues that may accelerate or even cause osteoporosis. No one as important as the three we have considered, but for any individual, they may be the main cause of lower bone density. Low levels of vitamin D There are plenty of studies over the past few years shows the importance of vitamin D for a wide range of health problems, including osteoporosis. Research also shows that a high percentage of the West are deficient in vitamin D. Among many advantages, it is vital for calcium absorption. Several years ago, alternative MD and vitamin D experts recommend supplements in 1000 or so units a day. Now almost all the recommended 5,000 units a day. Vitamin D is inexpensive and vital to your health. Use it every day. Low levels of vitamin K is one of the functions of vitamin K you tell the body to put calcium in the bones. It also helps keep your arteries clear accumulation of calcium. It is not as important as the problem of low levels of vitamin D. Excess acidity When your diet contains too many acidic drinks and foods like grains, pasta, white bread, meat, too few fruits and vegetables, blood starts to become acidic. Because blood must maintain a neutral pH, your body pulls calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity. Get some pH strips from your pharmacy and check out the sage, to see if it is too acidic. Imbalance DHEA and cortisol Cortisol is a stress hormone made in the presence of stress. He will pull calcium from bones. Cortisol and DHEA hormonal balance each other as swing swing if another higher low. Thus, one of the best ways to keep your cortisol levels low to make sure you take plenty of DHEA so that its level is high. .

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