Friday, February 24, 2012

The presence of one-way valve in the way ...

Alternative explanation would be direct compression of the airways themselves. Air

in the subcutaneous tissues, originating from the lungs may get two routes

. First, if the parietal pleura porvalasya the air, which entered into >> << pleural cavity can pass directly into the chest and subcutaneous tissues. In addition, the alveolar air may track proximally into bronchovascular >> << interface to scar the lungs, where it can access the surface >> << endothoracic fascia, producing subcutaneous emphysema

. It can also

go into the mediastinum, and in the cervical visceral space which

invests in the trachea and esophagus

. Any air in the fascial compartment can actually buy generic lasix constrict airways remains controversial . The exact nature of airway compression in this case is largely speculation

through larynhoskopichnoyi results when breathing >> << arrestbulging vocal cords airway occlusion. The air in the cervical visceral space

can get into podslyzystoy trachea. Larynx

sinus widest point attachment to the surrounding skeletal tissue >> << and can therefore bulge into the airways. Of course, increasing the tone of voice >> << frequently observed in patients with subcutaneous emphysema occurring

in the lungs, larynx, indicating the violation. The presence of subcutaneous emphysema

in the cervical region is usually taken as evidence of decompression

with mediastinal and cervical visceral space. However, in this case the pressure

obviously enough to cause an autopsy on the body, right


anabolic laboratories
The presence of one-way valve on the road tracking air

may allow a significant amount of storage with each breath, leading to progressive

increase pressure valve. The air in the mediastinum,

accumulation of the same mechanism was associated with the image of cardiac tamponade


, and several reports describe cases of respiratory distress with pnevmomediastinuma

although the mechanism is difficult. .

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